Art Exhibition: “La Figuración en el Arte Latinoamericano – Homenaje a Fernando Botero (1932-2023)”

This fall, Fort Lauderdale’s arts community will be privileged to witness a unique celebration of the impact and beauty of Latin American figurative art. NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library will host the exhibition “La Figuración en el Arte Latinoamericano,” a special tribute to the life and work of Colombian master Fernando Botero, who left us in 2023.

Event Details:


– Dates: September 8 – October 17, 2024.

– Location: 2nd Floor, Galeria de Arte Cotilla, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314

– Admission: Free and open to the public.


The exhibition is meticulously curated by Adriana Bianco, who has selected a diverse representation of artists who embody the richness and diversity of figurative art in Latin America. Featured artists include Miguel Rodez, Mónica Czukerberg, Andrea Favelli, Fernando Dávila, and Gloria Vélez, as well as several posthumous works by Fernando Botero.

Special Activities:

In keeping with the community and educational spirit of the exhibition, a Café Literario will be offered on Thursday, September 19 at 5:30 p.m., where attendees will be able to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, accompanied by free coffee and enriching discussions about art and literature.

Organizers and Special Guests:

This event is a collaboration between the Alvin Sherman Library at Nova Southeastern University, the Consulate of Argentina, the Cultural Center of Puerto Rico, and the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, reflecting a joint effort to foster appreciation for Latin American arts and culture in the region.

¿Por qué visitar?

Esta exposición no solo es una oportunidad para admirar la obra de Fernando Botero y otros artistas renombrados, sino también un espacio para reflexionar sobre el papel del arte en la representación y la celebración de las identidades culturales. Es una invitación abierta a experimentar la potencia narrativa y estética del arte latinoamericano en un entorno accesible y acogedor.


Available at $1 per hour.

Anatolica - Race Week 2024<br />
320 Mana Wynwood

August 27, 2024